Sunday, August 19, 2012

End of Summer

Well, Chickies, the end of summer is upon us.  It's one of those bittersweet times of year... if you have kids, you'll be sad (and glad!) to send them back off to school so you have a little "me" time again.  Or, maybe you are hitting a milestone with your child - first day of Kindergarden, first day of Middle School, first day of High School (like mine!), or even First day of College. 

If you don't have kids, maybe you're a little sad because the endless days of summer will be over and the days at the pool, lake, or beach are ending.  (Maybe not, though, it IS Texas after all!) 

Anyway, I know that the last couple of weeks of summer are busy for a lot of us trying to get those last couple days of vacation, shopping for school...maybe you're like me, too, and at work you are moving into budgeting season (UGH!), so you have longer hours.

I know it's hard to find time to scrapbook, but admist all this busy time, please take a hour or two a week for yourself and create a little something pretty.  Get your hands dirty, look at some pictures and reminisce a bit.  Don't let the time slip away too quickly!

Pardon me a moment while I brag on my sweetie... she's heading into high school this year.  If you've been to the store, then you've probably seen her working with her MeeMaw... Here's a pic of my baby in some new school clothes.

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