Sunday, January 20, 2013

Inspiration Challenge

It's a new year, so I thought maybe it would be fun to challenge you to create a project with an unconventional image.  I know I surf the 'net all the time looking for scrapbook, card, and papercrafting projects I can CASE.  But how fun would it be to take an image that has absolutely nothing to do with paper and make a project reminiscent of that unconventional picture.

So, I found this really cool picture of a runway fashion model.  The outfit is completely crazy and outlandish, but I can totally envision a card using the inspirational elements!    I'll be working on my project, and will try to get it posted shortly.  If you want to join me in the posting, email me a pic of your finished project to!

Gerlan Jeans 2013 Spring Runway Collection: Designer Denim Jeans Fashion: Season Collections, Runways, Lookbooks and Linesheets